Stanwix School
Value the individual, inspire, enjoy and excel
Welcome to Year 6
We have two classes in year six: 6B are taught by Mrs Birkett and 6R are taught by Miss Reed. In the mornings and on Wednesday afternoons, we split into groups in order to further differentiate our teaching. Mrs Walker supports us in our learning across both classes. The children are taught computing by Mr Murphy, and Music and RE by Mrs Stewart on Thursday afternoons.
Year 6 is a challenging but exciting year. We focus on preparing the children for their SATs tests in May and ensuring they are ready for their transition to secondary school. The children are given greater responsibility: becoming buddies for our year 1 children and taking on other important roles in school such as librarians, prefects, captains and vice captains.
During the year, we have some fantastic topics, learning about the Victorians and WW2 in history, habitats around the world in geography and the human body and evolution in science. We spend lots of time being creative: exploring control technology in DT, and designing our own packaging and making shadow puppets in art. We explore a wide range of indoor and outdoor sporting activities in PE both with our teachers and professional coaches.
The best part of being in year 6 is our fantastic educational visits. As part of our history curriculum, we spend a day at Beamish Museum experiencing life as a Victorian, we take part in a Young Voices choir performance at the AO Arena in Manchester and end the year with an action-packed residential at Barcaple in Scotland.
Year 6 is a fantastic final year at Stanwix School, where we work hard and are proud of everything we achieve!
The Year 6 Team