Stanwix School
Value the individual, inspire, enjoy and excel
3CJ - Mrs Clark & Mrs Jenner
3RW - Mrs Ruddick & Mrs Walkingshaw
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Cowper, Mrs Barton & Ms Menery
In Year 3, our aim is to encourage independence and creativity as we take our first steps in Lower KS2.
We study a broad and balanced curriculum which allows each individual to learn new life skills that they can continue to develop as they move through the school. The children will learn about the Stone Age, the Ancient Egyptians and our Roman heritage. We also look at Europe, and in Science study many topics including Rocks, Volcanoes and Plants.
We are lucky enough to visit lots of exciting places including Tullie House, Vindolanda and The Life Centre in Newcastle. Children will also go swimming in Year 3.
Year 3 really gives the children an informative, exciting and encouraging start to life in KS2.