We are all working on the learning Characteristic of Respect in September.

Stanwix School

Value the individual, inspire, enjoy and excel

School Curriculum

Our Intent, Implementation & Impact




  • To provide a rich and varied curriculum which has its roots based on our school values of Inspire, enjoy and excel.
  • To deliver an ambitious, aspirational curriculum which is well planned and the meets the needs of all our pupils.
  • To provide an engaging curriculum which is planned sequentially, allowing children to build on previous learning and securing firm foundations for the future.
  • To excite, inspire and empower children through a range of cultural experiences alongside offering a range of literature that reflects our values and validates their realities.
  • To promote a sense of community for the children, parents, and the wider community.
  • To prepare older pupils for life in our British Society by fostering in them attitudes and qualities which enable them to become confident, caring, responsible citizens.




  • Teachers will have good subject knowledge and will be supported to maintain and improve this knowledge through training, observing best practice and undertaking relevant research. 
  • Subject leaders will provide colleagues with support for planning, resourcing and teaching.
  •  Lessons will incorporate examples; retrieval practice and, over time, revisit teaching and knowledge skills.
  • Materials with lessons will be broken down into manageable ‘chunks’ to ensure access to learning.
  • High quality texts will be used from Reception to Year 6 building on the foundations of excellent teaching of phonics through letters and Sounds.
  • The school curriculum map will be planned to ensure that teaching is sequential with the teacher ensuring that knowledge and skills are taught in a logical and progressive order.
  • The teaching of key vocabulary will be a primary feature in all subjects.




The impact of our curriculum is evaluated through end of year assessments and Government tests; through Governor meetings; visits and through our own monitoring of teaching, learning and pupil voice.


  • All children achieve well by developing knowledge and skills on their journey through school. This is demonstrated through outcomes at EYFS, Phonics (Year 1), Keys Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
  • Children with SEND achieve the best possible outcomes and are monitored through Governors and in school.
  • Children leave Stanwix ready for a successful transition to secondary school. Our preparation for the next stage includes knowledge about the importance of being safe, ready and respectful.


