Stanwix School
Value the individual, inspire, enjoy and excel
Welcome to Year 4
We are a Year 4 group, working in two classes. 4H is taught by Miss Helm and 4B is taught by Mrs Blain. Mr Crook, Mrs Bell and Mrs Pearson support us in our learning across both classes. We also enjoy being taught Computing by Mr Murphy, and Music and RE by Mrs Stewart.
In Year 4, our children are working towards Year 5 and Upper Key Stage 2 and we encourage them to be more confident, independent and resilient in order to prepare them for those future challenges.
Year 4 is an exciting year; our residential trip to Robinwood Activity Centre in the summer term is a definite highlight and one that we all look forward to.
Some of our favourite topics to explore in Year 4 are: Anglo Saxons and Vikings, the Amazon rainforest, electricity and storytelling through art.
We work hard in Year 4 and we also love to have fun and enjoy our learning.
For termly updates, please see our newsletters on the Year 4 webpage.
Mrs Blain and Miss Helm