We are all working on the learning Characteristic of Respect in September.

Stanwix School

Value the individual, inspire, enjoy and excel

What do Ofsted say about Stanwix School?

Below are some of the comments made by Ofsted as part of their inspection in March 2023.

Click here to access the full report

  • Pupils are friendly and polite, and they provide a warm welcome to new pupils that join the school.
  • Pupils, including children in the early years, flourish due to the respectful relationships that they enjoy with their teachers.
  • Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), respond well to the high expectations that leaders and teachers have of their behaviour and achievement.
  • Pupils said that they can speak to any of their teachers when they have worries or concerns and that this helps them to feel safe.
  • Leaders deal effectively with any incidents of bullying that occur.
  • Pupils aspire to the many leadership roles available to them. These include reading buddies and house captains.
  • Pupils take part in a wide range of activities that develop their talents and interests.
  • Leaders are ambitious for the achievement of all pupils, including pupils with SEND. The subject curriculums have been carefully sequenced so that they build on the inspiring start that pupils enjoy in the early years.
  • Teachers use their subject knowledge effectively to deliver the curriculum well.
  • In the early years, the skilful interactions that adults have with children make a strong contribution to their development.
  • Teachers make regular checks on what pupils know and remember. They use this information diligently to address any misconceptions that pupils may have about their learning.
  • In the early years, leaders have a detailed understanding of each child’s stage of development. Staff use this information expertly to ensure that children build on their knowledge over time.
  • Throughout the school, including in the early years, pupils behave well. They demonstrate positive attitudes to their learning. As a result, lessons are rarely disrupted.
  • Pupils benefit from the strong community spirit that leaders have established at the school.