We are all working on the learning Characteristic of Perseverance this half term.

Stanwix School

Value the individual, inspire, enjoy and excel


Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

The school Governing Body is made up of trustees from a variety of backgrounds, these include the Headteacher, some parents, members of the local community, staff trustees and trustees appointed by the LEA. These trustees help the Headteacher and the staff to run the school, with the primary aim of raising standards and promoting effective teaching and learning throughout the school.


The key areas of concern for the governing body are the people in the school, the school environment, the curriculum and the finances of the school. In order to look after these areas appropriately the governing body has two committees each with their own areas to address. The two committees are the staffing finance and premises committee and the curriculum committee. These committees meet every half term and report to the main governing body, which also meets every half term.


The Teaching and Achievement Committee deals with the implementation of the National Curriculum and the Foundation Stage Profile, this committee also reviews school policies.


The Staffing Finance and Premises Committee deals with all areas of the school relating to people. These include staffing, pupils, health and safety, budget and safeguarding.


All members and trustees are appointed by the governing body.


Trustees are appointed on a four-yearly basis.


Nobody at Stanwix School is paid more than £100,000.

Academy Members 

Tom Little

Elizabeth Mallinson

Catherine Briggs

Karen Robertson


Chair of governors 

Elizabeth Mallinson


Clerk to Governors

Ellie Graham
